I promised nightmares would come. My cup runneth over.
In this horrordream I drifted from images of simple souls trapped in horrortableaux to dark things that lived there of their own accord. As I drifted from one character to the next, some part of my mind said (In that silent dream speech you never hear, but immediately understand):
These are your possible futures. After all, your future is in your hands, but your hands are frail, and incapable. Your lot lies with this grim deck. You will bleed into this minor arcana.
Let's do the Cronenberg ending! Di-di-di! Di-di-di! Di-di-di!
Long live the new flash!
Win, Kid. Win. Though, a few frayed ends call for address.
The faces. Are they washed off/sewn over for some symbolic reason, or did it just look cool when you were dicking around on photoshop?
You make references to tarot cards in the statement or whatever your little prologue is. But. Sometimes the text is straight documentary , and sometimes it's ironic. Explain.
Cheers, my odd little brother.
Mal: If I wanted it to be absolutely clear what was going on, my photos would look far different from these. As things stand, I like to foster ambiguities.
First, the faces are warped (when they are warped) to make the characters dummy plugs for whatever values the viewer may subconsciously or purposefully impose. In keeping with the dreamlike narrative, the faces only become fastened to the bodies when the dreamer decides they know who the black and white player really is.
Second, the titles and ordering significance are, believe-it-or-not, deliberate. I told one story when I came up with my storyboards, found and fostered a second one when I was editing. So I tried to facilitate the telling of both instead of each.
Thanks for the compliments - I hope to return a few when you post some body of work.
i knew this reminded me of something...
That Land Of The Free Gallery is pretty tight.
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