come on in.

Part One of Three.

I love lines.

I've burned entire rolls on single trees or skyscrapers. After my junior year of high school, switching over to even a mid-range dSLR was downright frugal.

These images aren't at all about the places or structures that I took a picture of, but the forms embedded in them - the shapes and patterns that pulled me towards the spot where I would ultimately stop and pop the shutter. With each image in this set, I've digitally dodged and burned and generally throttled the exposures. Eventually, the image is just far enough away from a true likeness of the thing that gave it life to approach abstraction.

I've got more than a few further sequences to explore from the trip, but for now I do hope that at least one of these will gladden you, oh my brothers & sisters and only friends.



_ said...
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Ted Striker said...

I too would purchase these products.