words fail me

hi, this is _ signing on. thanks to tom and all for having me. this is a series in collage i put together titled as above.


Pumpkin Kid said...

I don't know why it's turning that blue into a brown. Def. Looks better like you made it. I'll see if I can't post a corrected. --> Here.

There's a sort of protean spirit in the set, sometimes to a point where the organic feel seems a little too open to completely jive with my personal taste. That doesn't mean I'm not reacting to them, though.

Though I like the flow of the fifth alot, I'm in love with the cohesion in the last one most of all. I like the soft smoky texture over the hard elements. It seems balanced almost in spite of itself; like it's fighting to hide something sinister one can't quite identify.

An excellent addition to ACS. Thanks, Dave.


Patrick said...

Very surreal, very fascinating to look at. For some reason, I'm reminded of the ceiling of the new cathedral, especially the picture of the girl.

I agree with Pumpkin Kid, words fail me. The photos extract more of an intuitional or emotional reaction than anything else.

Patrick said...

I love the lava erupting in the girl's stomach. Visually stunning I must say.

scroggins said...

That second one looks like something produced by Stan Brakhage. Very impressive.