(makes you wanna say your prayers)

The St. Louis Japanese Festival at the Missouri Botanical Gardens was awesome as usual, and I've only been to the opening day so far. Mayor Slay was there for the kagamiwari: the ritual of smashing a giant barrel of sake open with hammers, and then dishing it out. And so it came to pass that the mayor of St. Louis poured me a drink. I'll be mentioning that at parties for a long time.

Oh! There were many cool things, but the Taiko drummers stole the event for me. I just set my camera on rapid exposure and held down the button. How's that for technique? I guess it's more like carpet bombing than sniping, but the St. Louis Osuwa Taiko ensemble put on a non-stop flawless show to a packed crowd (I cowered at the back) so I'd go so far as to say you can't blame me. Anyway, click that break link below to see a full sequence of the sound and the fury in photographic form.



_ said...

hmmmm...she doesn't loook japanese...

Tony Barsanti said...

Wow, you weren't kidding about the lighting difference...the daytime performance had absolutely nothing on these visuals, and I was still floored by it. Nice Job.